Favicon horizonisles.havocdns.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address horizonisles.havocdns.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner DevilsGoonie
Votes 25
Country United States US
Servers Website https://horizon-isles-mc.tebex.i
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Horizon Isles! We are a new skyblock server looking forward to meeting and playing with every one of you! Skyblock: Explore on a secluded island with minimal resources and work your way up in the ranks Adventurers Guild: Run dungeons solo or with friends for unique endgame content including custom loot, enchants, mechanics and more Cosmetics: We have numerous cosmetics from tool skins to tags and particle effects.  PVP: We have a huge pvp arena with a King of the hill gamemode inside!
