Favicon mc.playpokenova.com Online

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IP Address mc.playpokenova.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Guillermo Chavez
Votes 3246
Country United States US
Servers Website https://pokenova.tebex.io/
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 0
Server Version §f§x§1§2§3§4§5§6 §r§5§l[§r§f§l4§r§7/§f§l50§r§5§l]
Ping 149ms
Uptime 99%

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PokeNova Prides itself on being a community based server, we find our success to be the communities success. We love to interact and take opinions of those who always wanted to be involved in a group and to collectively improve our server. PokeNova takes the great elements of The Pixelmon Mod and tries to bring out the story base elements people crave from the original Pokemon games. Along with the forever updating storylines, we aim to please with grinding journeys, MMO exhibitions, and creative showcases. We want to be the perfect home for anyone and everyone, and will continue to showcase that in our server, our work, and our overall positive attitude into the Minecraft and Pixelmon Community.

