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Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner Aod nguyen
Votes 0
Country Vietnam VN
Servers Website https://discord.gg/SjHG9mwU
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Ping 2002ms
Uptime 99%

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Dive into a unique, adventure-driven experience designed to enhance your vanilla survival gameplay with new content, exploration, and progression opportunities. 🏰 Key Features 🏰 Adventure-Focused Experience: Encounter plenty of new challenges and progression opportunities. Content-Driven Gameplay: Engage in pre-made quests, dungeons, bosses, new monsters, and custom items. Exclusive Features: 3D Backpacks & Weapons: Enhance your inventory with stylish, 3D modeled gear. Ambient Sounds: Enjoy a more immersive experience with professional sound design. Dungeons: Brave dangerous dungeons full of monsters and treasures. Adventure Pass: Unlock exclusive content and rewards. Custom Menus and Item Textures: Beautifully designed interfaces and textures that fit seamlessly with the Minecraft aesthetic. 🔥 Highlights 🔥 3 Unique Dungeons 40 Different Weapons Shops and Quests Stylish Backpacks Gear Upgrades Jobs System Guilds and 3 Tiered Quests ⚔️ RPG, War, and Politics ⚔️ Player-Driven RPG Elements: Immerse yourself in a world where your actions shape the course of history. Dynamic War and Peace: Players control wars, slavery, and peace negotiations. Become a warlord or a king of a cartel. Historical and Political Simulation: Engage in world politics, forge alliances, or declare wars to expand your influence. Economic Control: Brew beer, grow drugs, and trade to build your empire and wealth. Join Unlimited Adventures now and embark on an epic journey filled with endless possibilities and excitement!
