Favicon beyondsmp.apexmc.co Online

Status Online
IP Address beyondsmp.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Mike Hoffmeyer
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/m3g887XcGZ
Online Players 1
Maximum Online Players 20
MOTD Welcome to Season 10!
Server Version Paper 1.21.4
Ping 81ms
Uptime 99%

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The Beyond SMP is a chill, friendly 18+ survival server in which our players engage with each other in fun, competitive ways. The server consists of datapacks and plugins that tweak the vanilla experience slightly for a more convenient and unique playthrough. There is a shop district at the server spawn that runs on a diamond economy, as well as a nether roof hub. We also have a feature called BlueMap, which shows the live 3D satellite image of the minecraft realm. A lot of new projects and announcements are coming soon to make a huge difference in the level of enjoyment of your playtime on The Beyond SMP, so join the discord and apply for whitelist NOW!
