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IP Address westlegacy.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Alex Smith
Votes 27
Country United States US
Online Players 1
Maximum Online Players 250
Server Version Paper 1.21.4
Ping 371ms
Uptime 99%

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West Legacy is a vanilla oriented server that aims to make the game as a whole feel the same as playing in single player (per player mob cap, nether roof farms and more). The server doesn't have any "rules" and the main appeal is playing the game the way it was meant to be played. This server is the most raw Minecraft experience out there and is great for people who like technical farms, building or want to PvP. It is recommended to join the server using a vanilla client on the latest version, but we have viaversion installed as well. Overall, the server has very little restriction other than the anti-cheat and physical limitations. As this server is meant to be played on vanilla, cheat client usage is not supported and we will have future non vanilla exploits patched. Duplication exploits outside the ones mentioned below are also not supported and will be patched or rolled back depending on the degree and community reaction
