Favicon Saicopvp.com Online

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IP Address Saicopvp.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Sam brew
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.saicopvp.com
Online Players 173
Maximum Online Players 10000
MOTD --------- SaicoPvP --------- 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Realms RESET!!
Server Version 1.19.3
Ping 31ms
Uptime 100%

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Saicopvp is a factions server. If you’re not aware what factions is and how it works, I suggest you watch some saicopvp factions videos on YouTube. As stated above 1.8.9 Java is the recommended version to play on. SaiCo can only be played on on pc, using the ip, saicopvp.com in multiplayer. And don’t be afraid to ask stuff to people online. I hope this helps you start on SaiCo!

