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IP Address auroraraids.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner AuroraRaids
Votes 63
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.auroraraids.net
Uptime 99%

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Unlike most networks we aim to maintain a complete play to win environment, meaning none of the things we sell on the store, have a significant advantage over gameplay, everybody is equal! We offer the same plugins and perks to everybody that plays!
We offer real cash prizes at the end of every season for top voter, /baltop, /mctop and /f top!
Everybody who joins is given free McMMO credits and crate keys to start the season off! Just /helpop!
AuroraRaids is a rebranded, US-based factions server running on Minecraft 1.8.8. Our server works on any version upwards from 1.8.8 and contains McMMO, Envoys, Gen Buckets, Custom Enchantments and many more!
Our aim for running AuroraRaids is to have an ever-changing map so, one faction isn't too overpowered and wins every season. Players love this concept and it allows us to have a changing player base!
The world doesn't get boring though, the land is abandoned and, the claims are found throughout all three worlds. The world borders are: 7,500 x 7,500: Overworld 3,000 x 3,000: Nether 3,000: The End!
We have various Factions plugins for all players including but not limited to, WildTP, Crazy Crates, Crazy Enchantments, McMMO, SilkSpawners, and many more! We have much more for players to enjoy and we hope you come and join us!
/f top will win $40 in cash and that prize is rising!

