Favicon Apathesia.ddns.net Online

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IP Address Apathesia.ddns.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner AirborneMuffins
Votes 0
Country United States US
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 20
MOTD Welcome New Friends. Behave Yourself.
Server Version 1.21.4
Ping 125ms
Uptime 100%

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Tired of servers that take themselves too seriously, or lord FOMO MTX over everyone? We don't do that. We are Apathesia, and we only care so much. We don't police the chat unless people are spamming slurs/hate/violence. As such, we prefer players who are 18+ We are a new survival server, modded for increased content and QoL comforts. Discord server here: https://discord.gg/g7XCkCPkaa Large grief-proof spawn and overworld highway available for quick starts. Player builds are not grief proof, but there is essentially no world border and a very large RTP radius. Will probably switch over to a whitelist eventually. Completely open to suggestions on any changes to the server going forward, let's have fun! Current mods: Terralith Veinminer - set to ores, trees, dirt, sand, and a host of other things commonly farmed Essentials Towns and Towers World Map and Minimap Proximity Voice Chat /RTP - up to 15000 blocks from spawn No Chat Reports - if you don't have this installed you'll see a warning upon logging in, but won't be hindered in any way.
