Favicon honeyhollow.cubed.pro Online

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IP Address honeyhollow.cubed.pro
Connection Port 25565
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Category SMP
Server Owner mug
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://honeyhollowmc.tumblr.com
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 30
MOTD Welcome to Honey Hollow!
Server Version Paper 1.21
Ping 82ms
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to Honey Hollow, a completely free to play, trading economy focused, SMP server! Here we believe servers should be 100% free to play and be accessible to as many people as possible. Our main economy is trading, but we also have shops where you can buy things with money earned through jobs, selling items, and running your own shop. We do not offer ranks or any kind of micro-transactions, everything in the server is player earned or given as rewards during events!

We started this server after being fed up with servers that prioritize money over the players. Have you ever been in a server where you can barely read the text of unranked players? That doesn't happen here, and it never will! We try our best to make sure our server is accessible to players with poor eyesight, photosensitivity, etc, and we're always open to ways we can make the server more accessible. We also try to keep the economy fair so players don't have to grind for hours to buy or trade for ore, or wood, or building blocks. We DO have some late game items meant for players who have a lot of money and not much to do with it!

Main perks of Honey Hollow:

Unlimited set homes
Unlimited RTP
Player warps
Player shops
Claims (5,000 blocks to start, 240 earned per hour, claim blocks are purchase-able)
PvP Toggle
Compatible with Bedrock and Java
Compatible with any version of Minecraft 1.8+
Resource world
Creative world
Monthly resets of the resource world, End, and Nether (if players have builds in the End or the Nether, they can request the chunks not be reset)
Monthly/bimonthly events
Proximity voice chat (optional, must have a mod installed for it to work)
And more! Please check out our website or join the Discord server to find a full list

Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/7wEy7gjtdM
