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IP Address play.kingdoms-reborn.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Roleplay
Server Owner Kingdoms Reborn
Votes 1
Country Germany DE
Servers Website https://kingdoms-reborn.net
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 100
MOTD Battle for land, might, and glory is back. Reimagined reforged. 1.21.4+
Server Version Proxy
Ping 208ms
Uptime 100%

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Kingdoms Reborn is an immersive medieval roleplay server, built upon our own rewritten version of the famous Kingdoms plugin, originally created by Hex_27. We have combined the best from Kingdoms and Towny with our own fresh ideas to deliver a completely new experience of building your own kingdom. You will start as a Peasant, who cannot afford his own land and is forced to settle in a public plot of the Old Kingdom Ruins. Your first goal will be to earn 100⦿ to buy the Citizen rank and create your own plot. After that, it is all up to you. You can stick to the life of a regular Citizen, minding your own business, or become something more… a Mighty Warrior, a Famous Architect, a Rich Lord, or even a Wise Leader of a Great Kingdom! Discord: kingdoms-reborn.net/discord
