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IP Address blossomcraft.us.to
Connection Port 25565
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Server Owner BlossomCraft
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website http://blossomcraft.craftingstor
Uptime 99%

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What the server has to offer: 1.15.2 based survival Mobarena (waves of mobs) Music (jukebox themed) Mcmmo (ability to level up skills) Extra Heads (sellable with /sellhead) In game shop (including a repair and enchant shop) 1.8 combat mechanics (1.9 sucks) One person sleep (you can also skip storms) Random teleport (once in the survival world can be used to teleport the player randomly) Plots with Creative and World-edit (donators get access to more plots) 1,000,000 world border (this tends to be very low on for many survival servers) Rewards for bug reports! Rewards are given out to those who recommend the server to someone else (all they have to do is tell us who brought them!) Marriage plugin (for those who join as a couple or find someone they like in game!) What makes us different? Everything is made to be fair, and whilst donators will receive a variety of extra features it doesn’t unfairly impact the gameplay of others or give them an unfair advantage in any way, it is intended for those who want to help out the server and are interested in the extra features (every donation puts towards improving the experience for everyone) The server was made with the entire purpose for players to be free and to enjoy themselves, this is why we are open to any suggestions for things you would like to see and you can let us know on the serve discord: https://discord.gg/BtmvBw6 they are always appreciated! We don’t have any unfair regulations or rules that make it easy for players to get into trouble or feel like they always have to be careful, they are simply there as guidelines to prevent drama and prevent other problems from occurring and to make sure that everyone gets along with each other. Most importantly the server is designed for the players to play however they like (as long as this means they are not breaking the rules or cheating), it is meant for the people to shape the server and we will do anything help them enjoy their time to the best of our abilities. Staff members will never abuse their powers and will only ever use them when it is necessary, we will also never under any circumstances give out unfair punishments to players, if you ever have an issue with a member of staff please contact the owner (ShadowBran26) in game or find me on the server discord, I am always happy to help and I am always happy to answer any questions you may have!
