Favicon play.titannetworkmc.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.titannetworkmc.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Cha Zhu Yang
Votes 398
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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About TitanPrisonMC:TitanPrisonMC has been a work in progress, we have been working on the server for more than 3 years! TitanPrisonMC has been an on and off project which has made us want to turn it into a reality and show it to the world! I have put thousands of hours into working on this project which makes this server very unique and amazing because of the attention to detail we have put into it. TitanPrisonMC is all about fun, hanging out and playing the game. We encourage others to join the server and bring your family and friends because we are a server that would like to become a small/medium community for all to enjoy and have fun! TitanPrisonMC is a place where all is welcome and where the fun begins! We don't strive to be the best, but our main goal is to provide the community with a fun environment where everyone can enjoy and escape reality for a bit and just play some games!
