Favicon Play.GrindFactions.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Play.GrindFactions.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Robin
Votes 0
Country Belgium BE
Servers Website https://www.grindfactions.com/
Uptime 99%

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NO Pay2win! What do we offer? - A brand new Faction map with NO Pay2Win. All our future modes will support this idea aswell. - A fair and grindable rankup system that can NOT be bought with real world money! - A Balanced economy where money can only be earned from Voting. There will be NO option to buy in-game balance with real world money! - A Strong Anti-Cheat system to keep everything Fair-Play! - Unique cosmetics that can be earned through free missions or premium missions. - Community voted for extensions of the servers. - A battlepass to earn free cosmetics. Premium users can grind cosmetics faster. - Voice your opinion on the forums. We listen to your feedback!
