Favicon play.chope.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.chope.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Dylan
Votes 1
Country Singapore SG
Servers Website https://www.chope.net
Uptime 99%

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Psst, you. Yes, you over there. Do you enjoy Minecraft Survival? Great. Bored? Disconnected from friends? You're in luck. Come keep us company, have fun with your friends, whatever you feel like! It's a minecraft server. But not any ordinary one. This is what we have to offer in Survival+ (basically survival, but more features!): - Custom Dungeons - Custom Items (Slimefun4) - Custom Enchantments (yes we like things done custom) - Player-driven economy (playershops) - Land Claiming - Almost no item & mob restrictions - A very lonely developer who constantly tells others that he wants a cat You define the world, we provide the medium.It's that simple. IP Address: play.chope.net Discord: https://discord.gg/bgXhUmK (pssstt.. if you like what we are doing, invite your friends as well) Thank you!
