Favicon play.corona-ctf.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.corona-ctf.com
Connection Port 0
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner Matan "Malatak1" Diamond
Votes 137
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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CoronaCTF is Minecraft's premier dedicated Capture the Flag server! Steal the enemy's flag or eliminate their life pool to win. Each victory
awards you with currency to unlock new abilities. With custom plugins and 9 classes to choose from, you'll be sure to find a kit that matches your play style.
- Capture the Flag
- Team Deathmatch
- Custom Warzones
- Custom Classes
- Custom Abilities
- Friendly and Active Staff
- In-game Currency
- No Donor-Specific Upgrades
Discord: https://discord.gg/X756mkt
Website: www.corona-ctf.com
Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/6DpcdE9

