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Connection Port 32549
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Server Owner Waplax
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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A little bit about our server: The Black Disc offers a server close to Survival whilst still having fun perks to liven it up as well! We have plugins such as: -McMMO -Jobs -Autorank These give you something to work and strive for! Whether you're aiming for the top rank where one of the rewards is /fly! Or maybe you're striving for that number 1 spot on the mcMMO scoreboard? Either way, The Black Disc may be the perfect server to sink all this free time we have into! :D We also offer a server with no resets, meaning years from now you'll be able to still work on anything you're currently about to start! Feel free to join us and become an essential part of our growing community!
