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Status Offline
IP Address play.theranchmc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner TheRanchMC
Votes 55
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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The Ranch is a community-focused survival server with KeepInventory is enabled and players can't raid or grief! With a versatile economy, there are lots of ways to earn cold hard cash. Earn money by progressing through the ingame ranks, set up shops, or list items on the auction house. You'll come for survival, but stick around for all the great extras! You'll have the ability to unlock crates, use over 80 custom enchantments, experience a Blood Moon, and even more! Players also are able to rank up in-game, according to playtime and money to gain access to new commands and perks. The Ranch is so much more than what is listed here, so be sure to check it out at play.theranchmc.com
