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Connection Port 25035
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Category Factions
Server Owner Ryan Johnson
Votes 8
Country United States US
Servers Website http://carnagecraft.buycraft.net
Uptime 99%

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SERVER EVENT: At the end of June, the top 10 /baltop players in factions will receive their very own RANK NAME, they choose the rank name and gain a great amount of kits, commands, and extras! Although we are a 1.9 server, we have 1.8 combat! Enjoy your fishing rods and limitless swinging capabilities! 70+ New enchantments! Pets that do PvP and give you buffs! Steal 15% cash off of other players when you defeat them! Silk spawners for farms! Player Vaults! Player Particles to stylize yourself! Auction house for players! Envoys in warzone! Combat Logging, and disabled pearls and chorus fruit so no one can sneak into your base! The perfect faction experience!
