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Status Offline
IP Address mc.hydrall.org
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Jasten Simpkins
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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War rages in the lands, you can hear battles nearby. You, a player among the population of other Commoners, Apprentices, Merchants, Knights, Kings, and Emperors look to find your place and rise to the top of the pile. Lead a powerful Faction with all of the customizations imaginable, build a vast and intricate base to protect your items from persistent raiders. Raid massive enemy Factions and reduce their empires to rubble. Dominate the other Factions fighting for the glory of having the largest and most valuable empire. Welcome to Hydrall Factions. With the best of Minecraft Factions, 1.8 raiding mechanics, enhanced PvP, a balanced economy, and its all custom and many more plugins which culminate into a grand player experience!
