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Status Offline
IP Address play.minecrash.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Ryan
Votes 205
Country Canada CA
Uptime 99%

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BRAND NEW 1.15.2 - Towny - XpStorage - Jobs - Free Ranks - Crates - Shulker Backpacks. MineCrash is a survival Towny/Economy server where the purpose is to rankup through the 10 in game ranks. Each rank has special perks it receives for ranking up. To compliment this, there are a variety of jobs the player can do to earn money. As well as special rewards for leveling up to certain levels! You can either join a pre-established town, or if nothing fits your style make your own! IP: play.minecrash.net Discord: https://discord.gg/WRQNUbm Store: http://minecrash.buycraft.net/ Plugins/Features: 10 In-game Ranks, Jobs, XpStorage, Crates, Shulker Backpacks, AuctionHouse, Admin Shop. -There is also a special crash plugin which is similar to games like BustaBit where the player can risk money to rank up quicker! Worldborders: Towny 16k x 16k, Resource 10k x 10k
