Favicon mc.covfefe.club Offline

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IP Address mc.covfefe.club
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Boxxy
Votes 372
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/fh8Hmez
Uptime 99%

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Friendly and mature community. Have you ever feel lonely playing in an empty world? Is it getting boring to only be able to interact with NPCs? Ever thought of playng like Hermitcraft? CovfefeCraft offers players a place to explore, fights, build, and trade with other players like Spice and Wolf! This is a world where beautiful builds can be appreciated and memories is cherished. If you like what you are hearing, feel free to apply to our whitelist! We respond extremely fast~ Starter Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dOkBDWGz2BK9x3UKWq4_HUONm1Kknmg_S6G6XBoY4WA/edit Features: Beautiful Spawn Town with player-established shops everywhere! Super active staff team that enjoys interacting with the players! AFK Display : Greys out a player's name that is not moving for 5 minutes Double Shulker Shells : All shulkers drop 2 shells Dragon Drops : Ender Dragon drops a dragon egg & elytra on death! More Mob Heads : Add a chance to receive mob head when killing it Multiplayer Sleep : One player can skip through nights Nether Portal Coords : /trigger nc_inNether /trigger nc_inOverworld Coordinates HUD : /trigger ch_toggle Durability Ping : Alerts a player when tool drops below 2% durability Player Head Drops : Players will drop their heads upon being killed by other players Wandering Trades : Hermitcraft Season 7 Trades (Mini blocks!) Apply here on our Discord (FAST REPLY!): https://discord.gg/DfeWU9s
