Favicon play.augmentedmc.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.augmentedmc.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner osum54
Votes 19
Country United States US
Servers Website http://www.augmentedmc.net
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to AugmentedMC! To get you started let me tell you about the server. We are a vanilla survival server with a twist that focuses on nothing more than playing the game that was developed for us. There are some features that have been added to help us along the way. We have an online map that you can use by typing the domain play.augmentedmc.net:8123 into your browser or just click the link in chat. We also utilize a system of Waypoints, which help users travel from town to town. You must first travel to a town and unlock that waypoint by right clicking the waypoint's monument signs to teleport there. If you have a town and want a waypoint, ask an admin or mod to see if you qualify for one. Since griefing is a serious issue we are concerned about we do have a rollback and grief protection system that can be utilized if you are griefed. Just ask a mod or admin for assistance. To get to a random place in the world you can type /wild to be teleported to a area to start your life. We also have PVP enabled in the world, but you have the ability to toggle that with /pvp . Don't forget to read the rules, read the /help list, and have fun. Rules [1] No Griefing [2] No Spamming [3] No Advertising [4] No Trolling/Flaming [5] No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items [6] Respect all Players and Staff [7] No Offensive Remarks [8] No Hacking/Modding [9] No Glitching [10] No Building Near Others

