Favicon mc.prohostinghub.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.prohostinghub.com
Connection Port 25565
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Server Owner Peter Estephan
Votes 1
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://discord.gg/7pUkfgX
Uptime 99%

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Today I would like to introduce you to the New Survival Minecraft Server in the making! This server is geared towards the vanilla experience of Minecraft however, our server will be designed towards what the community would like to play! Is there something that you would really like to see apart of your daily Minecraft survival experience that does not exist on another server? Is there a fun idea that you would like to have implemented? The possibilities are endless! To add, anyone interested in joining the community and playing on our server is welcome to have any of their custom buildings they have made in a private world, copied over to the survival server for a limited time! (Some restrictions do apply). Join our Server. Join our Discord!
