Favicon play.skycraftmc.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.skycraftmc.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Jasper
Votes 1
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://skycraftmc.net
Uptime 99%

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SkyCraft is a place where pay to win doesn't exist, fun is guaranteed, and there's a little something for every play style. Join our small, but growing community and take part in some cool adventures and events along the way. Our Survival and Skyblock servers feature awesome progression and rewards systems like mcMMO for upgrading your skill trees, Achievements for tracking your accomplishments and encourage you to try new things, and Lucky Blocks to add a bit of fun and addition loot to mining and excavating! Never compete for resources with our resettable woodland mansion, ocean monument, and weekly resetting temporary End dimension. A few More Highlights: Achievements, Autoranks, Miniature Pets, mcMMO, Missions, Grief Prevention, Spawners, Player Shops, Gringotts Economy, Anticheat, Farming World, so much more!
