Favicon Mc.wTFcs.Com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Mc.wTFcs.Com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Celmare Veronica Maria
Votes 0
Country Romania RO
Servers Website https://www.wtfcs.com/forum/inde
Uptime 99%

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Hello! I just opened the OP SURVIVAL server! IP: Mc.wTFcs.Com Versions: 1.8-1.13 Why play on the server? For starters, the Kits are OP, they will provide you with the most pleasant game mode, this being Easy. There will be many events that will not let you get bored! The protections are Diamond Block (anti-grief) and Emerald Block (anti-pvp), these being included at the beginning of your server adventure! The server is a long one, the host is paid in advance. Many UPDATES will be added, which will improve your gaming experience. We are waiting for you on the server! -Cosmo
