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Status Offline
IP Address play.lockdowncraft.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Lockdowncraft
Votes 4
Country Netherlands NL
Uptime 99%

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Are you smart enough to #stayhome but still want to travel the world? Then the Lockdown Server will satisfy your needs of going out and endanger those around us. The world of Minecraft is currently facing the feared COVID-69 pandemic, it wreaks havoc all across. As a result, the council has put the world in lockdown to prevent further infection amongst its citizens. The players are discouraged to leave their homes, except for essential travels such as: - Going to the bar - Travelling the world - Getting that strip mine setup - Surviving that dungeon - Tending to your potato farm. Our custom plugins introduce a new danger as players can simply get infected by gathering in groups or getting into contact with carriers and others players. Once infected, players will become a carrier for the virus, lose health over time and will have to fight their disease to stay alive. If you outlive your infection, you’ll become immune for as long as you stay alive. Survival is for the smart, and the strong.
