Favicon Retronix.club Offline

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IP Address Retronix.club
Connection Port 41457
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Category Custom
Server Owner Retronix.club
Votes 3
Country France FR
Servers Website http://store.retronix.club/
Uptime 99%

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Hi everyone! Our server called Retronix Network offers a lot of fun PVP duels and minigames. We currently have practice fully setup and done. We also added a really cool PVP gamemode. This gamemode makes it possible to warm up SOLO! It's called PVP Bot. This PVP Bot is exactly what you think it is: a bot that knows all the tips and tricks about PVP. You can duel this bot and fight him to warm up for some ranked matches. Another cool feature we added is 1 v 1 bedwars! Our version is way quicker and way faster then the original version. You don't have to sit on the generator for ours till you finally have enough to fight. You spawn with a kit and bed to defend. Quickly bridge to your opponent's island to destroy his bed and win the game! We listed some of the minigames: - Survival Games - Combo - Nodebuff - Debuff - HCF (Duel version) - Build UHC - Gapple - Soup - Sumo - No Enchant - Spleef - Axe PVP - Bedwars (duel version) We are currently putting our focus on finishing HCF and advertising our server like we are doing right here. If youre still reading you are probably interested so here is some information so you can play along! # IP: Retronix.club # Store: http://store.retronix.club/ # Discord: https://discord.gg/bUuacMW # Apply for staff here: https://forms.gle/AV1Ft2GgcwJnTD8d8
