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IP Address play.haroldstudios.com
Connection Port 25570
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Category Custom
Server Owner Harolds
Votes 3
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website http://store.haroldstudios.com
Uptime 99%

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HaroldStudios InstantStructures Survival GameMode We’ve developed a new type of feature for the standard survival gamemode called instantstructures! Gone is the time of spending too many hours for decorating the wildlife, building a house, planting trees and waiting for them to grow. Now, you can purchase powerful rods that unleash the power to place a structure anywhere on the map! We add new structures frequently to our in game shop for more variety and have special featured ones to buy with a unique credits currency. It’s a new spin on the survival gamemode with a massive gameplay change to vanilla Minecraft. You can now construct bridges instantly, fortresses instantly to aid you in pvp and or manufacture articulate ponds for your new house design. Check it out at play.haroldstudios.com Website: http://store.haroldstudios.com Discord: Type /discord in game
