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Status Offline
IP Address play.craftshark.games
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Craftshark
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.craftshark.games
Uptime 99%

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Factions: - mcMMO - For leveling up your abilities. - Obsidian Destoryer - For raiding, Blow up obsidian after 3 hits of tnt. - Random teleportor - Random teleport into 4 different worlds. One of these worlds includes a donator only world. - Spawn PVP Arena. - Player Vaults - Loads of kits to obtain through crates, Voting and donating to our server. - Crates - 5 Crates. Vote, Common, Class, Super and Insane. - We value your time on here, Stay online and receive $100, 1x Common Crate Key and 2 Credits. - Credits system that is synced across all servers. - Mineable Spawners. - Show entity/Player damage in hot bar. - RedeemMcMMO Points. and much more... Skyblock: - Envoys - Mcmmo - PvP + PvP Arena - Challenges - Levels - Player vaults - Auctions - Mineable Spawners - Creates and much more...!
