Favicon mc.punchcraft.us Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.punchcraft.us
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Charles Thivierge
Votes 3
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.punchcraft.us/
Uptime 99%

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Connect to: mc.punchcraft.us Website: https://www.punchcraft.us/ Discord: https://discord.gg/6C437na Punchcraft is fun friendly network that provides Towny, Factions, Creative, and Skyblock Towny is a 1.13.2 survival type server that has fun engaging plugins such as Mythic Drops, McMMO, jobs, and other plugins to enhance and improve your vanilla Minecraft experience! A custom ranking system allows you to unlock perks and commands, making yourself more powerful as you spend time on the server. We have a active staff team to help you with any issue that may arise and is there to make the your experience the best it can be. Creative is a 1.13.2 server using the Plotsquared plugin to make it easy for you to claim a plot of your vary own, and have it protected. You have full control of your plot, adding and removing players, setting certain flags, and making what ever your creative mind comes up with. Creative is also fun to use to help you design your builds for your towns and factions. Factions: Whitelisted, still being worked on Skyblock: Whitelisted, still being worked on
