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IP Address just-craft-it.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25587
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Category Custom
Server Owner sarah potton
Votes 1
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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Just-Craft-It A new freshly made Creative Building Server! with Plots.


we want this to be a friendly server so there are rules in place for this. -No Hacking -No DDOS Threats -No Racism -No Swearing -No Building Racist objects/ pictures such as Nazi logo ect -No indecent objects/ pictures as well please! -No Spamming chat -Be Kind and Respectful to all players and staff

Ranks We have ranks on here! 6 Builder ranks and 2 staff ranks. The ranks are: Builder, MasterBuilder, Designer, Engineer, Architect, Terraformer & Donator.You will get more permissions as You rank up. The 2 staff ranks are Admin and Mod.

Plugins Plugins to be more creative with! Armor Stand Tools – This plugin allows for full configuration of armor stands. You can move and mold them in any way and equip them with any items. The only limit is your imagination. Head Plus – This plugin has thousands of player heads that can serve as decoration on builds and can be used by players on the server at any time simply by using the /heads command. This command opens up the GUI for the plugin and allows the player using it to pick out any head that they’d like there is also a search function in order to find themed heads related to whatever the player is building. WorldEdit – Tool used for editing the physical Minecraft world.
